Pronoun Checker

Different Types of Pronouns

pronoun checkerIn English grammar, pronouns are words used in place of a noun or another pronoun. Pronouns are useful because they help avoid unnecessary repetition in both writing and speech. There are several types of pronouns in English grammar shown here:

    • Personal pronouns: Personal pronouns refer to a specific person, place, object, or thing and can be further characterized or distinguished by person
    • First person: The person who is speaking
    • Second person: The person being spoken to
    • Third person: The person being spoken about
    • Possessive: Possessive pronouns show ownership. Some of the possessive pronouns are yours, his, hers, its, ours, and their
    • Intensive pronouns: These pronouns consist of a personal pronoun plus self or selves and emphasize a noun.
    • Reflexive pronouns: Reflexive pronouns point back to a noun or pronoun and indicate the sentence subject receives the action of the verb. They also consist of a personal pronoun plus self or selves
    • Demonstrative pronouns: These are pronouns that direct attention to a specific person, place, or thing. There are four demonstrative pronouns: this, that, these, and those.
    • Relative pronouns: There are five relative pronouns: that, which, who, whom, and those.
    • Interrogative pronouns: Pronouns that ask a question. The five interrogative pronouns are what, which, who, whom, and whose
    • Indefinite pronouns: Pronouns that refer to people, places, objects, or things without pointing to one specifically. Some examples of indefinite pronouns are anyone, each, everyone, everybody, everything, both, few, many and others

    The Problem with Pronouns

    pronoun checker onlinePronouns make communicating much easier but there are also many different rules to keep in mind regarding pronoun use. Most people don’t think too much about pronouns when they use them. They go with what sounds the best, but in some cases the sentence that sounds right is incorrect. When to use “I” and “me” is confusing in some instances and “who” versus “whom” consistently gives people problems. The average person requires a pronoun checker to be sure they are using pronouns correctly in every situation. Although using a pronoun incorrectly isn’t the end of the world, being grammatically correct can be important in the different areas of our lives:

    • Career: In many jobs your employer will notice your grammar usage. Poor grammar will make you appear less professional and cause your abilities to be questioned whether you work for somebody else or have your own business. It may not always matter but you never know when it might. Some type of written document may be the first contact you have with an individual in business and good grammar improves the chance of a good first impression
    • Academic: For students it is pretty obvious that grammar will have some degree of influence on your grades. Checking papers, reports and essays for grammar mistakes including a pronoun check before you submit them might not make you the class valedictorian but you will be a step closer to it than you would be if you didn’t check.
    • Personal: When meeting somebody the first time opinions are formed on both sides based on a number of different things, including how well you communicate which relates to your grammar usage. If you think nobody cares about grammar anymore, look around at some of the different message boards online. There are plenty of people who are quick to point out if a pronoun correction is in order

    We provide a free pronoun checker online that anybody is welcome to use to catch mistakes on written documents.

    Use Our Free Pronoun Checker to Eliminate Mistakes in Your Written Documents

    The pronoun checker on our website is a tool provided free of charge that will help rid your documents of many mistakes you may not catch including:

    • Grammatical errors: The pronoun checker examines hundreds of grammatical points including pronoun use
    • Punctuation: Using the checker allows you to find errors in punctuation including comma usage, colons, semicolons and many others.
    • Spelling: Not only does our checker find spelling mistakes, it also locates many words that are spelled correctly but used in the wrong context.
    • Plagiarism: Plagiarism is often the result of an oversight rather than being intentional. Using our checker ensures no plagiarism occurs by accident.

    Using the pronoun checker found on our website can save hours of proofreading and could catch grammatical errors you didn’t even know were considered errors. Take advantage of our online checker and use it to save time, submit error free papers and improve your own grammar skills, all for free and with no obligation.

    Do not miss a chance to use our pronoun checker today!